Welcome to Summit Fellowship
At Summit Fellowship, we exist to make disciples who Reach Up, Reach In, and Reach Out. We are a brand new church with a big vision. We hope this website gives you a glimpse of what Summit Fellowship is all about. It does not matter where you are currently at on your journey, at Summit you will find there is something for everyone!
Service Time: Sundays at 2 PM
We currently meet at a house
7 Carrington Court Hamilton ON, L9A4N5
LifeGroups are right after the Sunday Service
Contact us for more info about LifeGroup. summitfellowshipca@gmail.com
Questions & Answers
Here is how our good news and gratefulness gets fleshed out in our weekly gathering. If you do not see your question answered here, feel free to call the church at (365) 336-3468 or email is at summitfellowshipca@gmail.com and let us know how we can serve you.
What should I wear if I visit your church?
We want you to come just as you are. We are here for you, no matter how you're dressed. So wear whatever you like because there is no dress code. Most people wear whatever makes them comfortable. That usually changes from week to week depending on the weather. But as long as you are wearing clothes, we are happy.
What do you do during your worship service?
After a warm welcome, we start off with some singing and some praying to express our thanks. You will also hear a sermon from the Bible and we will take Communion together. The service typically lasts about an hour.
Will there be instruction for young children?
We love you AND we love your children. Jesus wanted all of the children to come to Him and we feel the same way about your kids. Our hope is that your young ones will sing and worship right along with the rest of us. There is plenty of room in the theatre and child bring such life to church.